Dynamic System Summit

Proven systems for online business owners that allow more time for FAMILY.

More JOY in life and a business that runs like a DREAM

Answer to

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this summit really free?

YES! This summit is 100% free to attend. Each day new presentations will go live at 10 am Sydney time/8pm EST. They will be available to watch on demand for 24 hours.

The Facebook group is your Party Central! There will be opportunities to interact with our speakers and other attendees, a few surprises, and chances to win some prizes.

What included with the Free Pass?

Your free pass is full of value!

  • Access to 17 trainings from amazing entrepreneurs sharing how systems can streamline your business, save you time so can spend more time doing what you love, and get your RESULTS!
  • Party Central, our private Facebook Group where you will be able to connect with speakers and fellow attendees personally so you can build connections that will help you and your business for years to come
  • Daily Recaps in Party Central (our Facebook Group
  • Opportunity to play to a the Dynamic System Summit BINGO with the chance to win amazing prizes 

Do I have to watch Live?

Each speaker's presentation has been pre-recorded to make it easy for the speakers and you. 

Each day you'll receive an email at 10 AM Sydney time/8 PM EST with links to the line-up of the day. You'll have 24 hours to watch them before the go away. Need longer? Consider upgrade to the Dynamic System Summit All Access and Implementation Pass

We do have some live aspects to the event:

  • Daily round up of the speakers and their topics
  • Sharing the learning 
  • Answering your questions
  • Engaging with speakers

Will you be sharing my details with all the speakers?

Absolutely not! When you sign up for the Dynamic System Summit, you are signing up to Kim Wright's list and no one else’s and you can unsubscribe at any time. 

Each speaker is sharing an awesome free gift. You'll only be added to a speaker's email list if you opt in for one of these amazing offers. 

What is included in the All Access and Implementation Pass?

  • Full access to all speaker presentations for 1 year
  • Downloadable Audio Recordings - you can listen on the run
  • Exclusive Live Implementation and Networking Workshop

Check out all the details and upgrade here --> Dynamic Systems Summit All Access and Implementation Pass 

I have more questions. Who do I ask?

If you still have a questions, please send a quick email to kim@officesociety.com.au

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